Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tired Blogger

I am not really tired in the normal sense I am just emotionally tired. I am tired of worrying about money and I am tired of worrying about I wish that I could wake up tomorrow and I would not have to worry about money. I think that the funny thing is that if that happened, knowing myself then tomorrow I would just find something else to worry about.

We went to see my friends new condo tonight. Nice. I have never thought about living in a condo. I would want my own space and I am loud. Just a very loud person. I could not see living connected to other people. It is bad enough that right now my neighbors are so close I could spit on them and I am sure that they think that we are crazy because we yell all the time. This condo though was nice. It was large (bigger then my house) and it had beautiful windows. I think that the next time that I choose a place to live I am going to look at the windows. I truly think that windows make a place. So light and sunny. Or maybe I will just buy a really cheap place and put in windows...big windows.


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