Wednesday, April 25, 2007


It has been a really rough year.
My grandmother is dying. I am here and she is there. I wish that I were with her.
It is funny but what I am remembering is the times that I spent at her house as a child. My sister and I would go there in the summer and spend time with Nanny, Grandpa and Grandma. The house that we stayed at is gone now. There are two other houses in its place. Nanny is gone now as is Grandpa. So that left Grandma...the one thing left from those summer days of walking to the community pool, hanging out at the tennis courts and playing in the shrubs.
I use to love the drive to Long Island. We always left at the weirdest hours and it was a long trip. My favorite stop was dinner on thru way, there was a place that made the best BLTs. No matter what time we arrived Grandma would be waiting with cold cuts. We would have a sandwich and then it was off to bed. Going to Long Island was always an adventure.
It is at times like this that you look at your behavior. I could have called a little more, written a little more, been a little less involved in my own drama of life. Grandma was always there a phone call away, happy to hear from me, sympathetic about my latest trial. I wonder if she knows how much that all meant.
I have been trying to call her hospital room and there is no answer, there is almost this desperation to get a hold of her to let her know...those summers are long gone, just like the house but I will never forget them and how much fun they were. Nanny, Grandpa and Grandma will be together again, I couldn't ask for a better trio to watch over my three children.


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