Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Overprotective Mom or Normal?

So after the baseball game tonight seems that myself and a lot of other parents had the idea of going to the playground with the kids, get out that last little bit of energy. So I let Turtle and Sean go. As I was standing there watching the kids play I noticed a group of boys headed for the spiral slide. You know the big one in the middle of the playground that has three loops before they get to the bottom. These kids were not taking turns they were going one on top of another...with cleats on.

I am all for horseplay and I get the whole boys will be boys thing but doesn't this scream "accident waiting to happen to any other parent out there" apparently no on the playground. Not one parent said a word. I saw Turtle at the top of the slide and realized it was too late he had to come down and down he did with some kid right behind him cleats in his back. So I had a little come to jesus moment with the three boys that were behind Turtle. It didn't work. I pulled Turtle and Sean off the slide and played with them on everything else. Not 2 minutes after I told them no more slide. A little boy was coming down and one of the kids behind jammed his cleat against his head. The kid started howling and then all of a sudden about 10 parents realized how dangerous the situation was.

Why do I feel like I am the odd ball? How was I the only parent (besides my Mom...hehe) who saw this for what it was? Am I to protective?

Hmmm....thoughts to ponder as the kids get a little older.


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