Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Husband

Yesterday I could not find a scrub top to wear to work. I found one but I have this thing about the pockets in my scrubs. I like the ones with a pocket on each side at the bottom. If I wear the one with one pocket on the breast I am always losing stuff because my breast pushes it out of my pocket. Not that anyone needed to know all that but this is the truth.

So today when I got up to go to work. My husband arrived at the bedside with a cup of coffee. I looked around and said "I forgot to do the laundry" He said " No worries my wife, Mike is on his way up with your clean scrubs"

My husband had done my laundry, brewed me coffee, had dinner ready before it was time for me to leave and...and drove me to work so that I could ride home with a friend in the morning. He is fabulous. Don't hate me.


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