Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I love my brother, Really..

So Liam and Sean have been fighting. The fact that it has taken this long for them to recognize each other as rivals is good, that it has finally happened is not.
One wants what the other has and battle lines are drawn. I have become my first grade teacher Mrs. Slayton, she had a drawer that she would put stuff in that kids could not share. As of this afternoon I am the proud owner of a basketball, 2 hot wheels, a Popsicle stick (?) and a cardboard box.
They are driving this mother off her very small rocker. I try to be fair but I will tell you with all the whining and crying that has gone lately usually he who whines the loudest wins (yes I am fully aware this is exactly NOT what to do.) and most of the time the winner is Liam. I am fast on the path of making Sean truly resent his little brother because I make him give up whatever prized possession the current argument is about.
Liam's new trick is throwing things to get your attention. His favorite weapon of choice is those darn hot wheels and let me tell you an unexpected hot wheels in the side of the face is quite a wake up call.
This has led to a naughty chair marathon. The funny thing about punishing either of them is that I end up with a little mutiny on my hands because they stick up for one another. So which is it? Do they really have some great rivalry or do they really love each other. I think that it is both which means that my life is about to get very complicated for in the end....aren't I the common enemy?

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