Sunday, March 9, 2008


So the truth of the matter is that...I am no longer smoking. Which may come as a revelation to some because that means I was smoking in the first place. Here is the deal...there is no such thing as a casual smoker. (at least not in my world) You are either a smoker or you are not. Once you are a smoker, you are always a smoker, it does not change because you quit. I could have a smoke today real easy and just continue on like I never quit.. but I woke up last month and I could not breath and that had to be the end for me. I almost think that Chris thought that I was joking when I said that I was done. He soon found out that I was determined. It has been one month and 3 days since I last had a cigarette. I would love to tell you that I feel good about that....but first I have to stop sniffing the smokers at work hoping for the contact high.


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