Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Birthday

So I am officially 35. Woo hooo!!! Maybe that was a little sarcastic. I just thought that things would be easier in my 30's but to be honest sometimes I feel like I am drowning in my own anxiety. I think that I have become a little more afraid of my own mortality and especially with having kids so young. I just want to be around to see what they turn into..

My birthday itself was great. Liam wished me Happy Birthday first thing. The funny thing is that he does not talk much but when he says happy birthday it is clear as a bell. Becca came over to watch the kids and I spent the afternoon with my mom and sister. It was a lot of fun. We went to my favorite restaurant (the Longhorn) and then to see Hairspray. Which I loved. We had seen the play at the Flynn just a little while ago. I thought that it was good and it was nice to get out of the house. I do not remember the last time that I saw a movie in the theatre. Afterwards we went to Barnes and Nobles so that Jen could get come books. It was perfect. When I went home Chris cooked a nice dinner for Becca, Steph, and myself.
All in all it was a great birthday...only marred by one thing, while I was in the bookstore one of those credit people called. I am just so frustrated, I get to a point where I think that I have everything worked out and then something else happens. An unexpected bill, an unexpected expense...I am so tired of being broke. I know that I keep saying that things will get better and I do believe that but I just want it to be sooner then later.

Anyway Happy Birthday to me!!!!


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