Saturday, June 16, 2007

My Grandmother

So my grandmother passed away. I have had a hard time blogging about this because I am not sure how I feel. On the one hand I am happy that she finally is not in pain anymore, on the other hand I really miss her.

My grandmother was a very funny lady. In a lot of ways I am just like her. I would much rather play with my kids then clean my house. (I know what you are thinking that most people would rather play with their kids, the thing is that is the choice that I would make) Dishes in the sink do not bother me...neither does a pile of laundry. I can live with the dog hair under that table in the corner. My grandmother, she was the same. She was always accessible though and up for a good time. She was inventive...ask me sometime about the donuts in my birthday cake and she was generous (she always did the slight of hand when we were leaving her house, $5 or a $10 slipped into our palms, the money went up as we got older). I can remember that bad teenage stage when grandma annoyed me...she would tell me things and I would blow her off because I was convinced that I knew better. I know now that she knew what she was talking about. Age really does have wisdom that goes with it.

I had not seen her a lot in the last few years. Busy with my own life...busy with the kids. She never made me feel bad about it. I would call her and she would tell me that she would call me back because she did not want it on my dime. I didn't mind paying for the phone call.

One of the last times that I talked to my grandmother she told me not to be sad. She said that she had lived a full life. She had children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She said that she felt that she had done what she was suppose to do. She told me that she was glad that I had finally found someone and that I was settled. She was fine and she was tired...

I heard you grandma, but I still miss you.


Unknown said...

I miss her too my wife. I'm always here for you.

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