Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rosie O

So anyone who knows me, knows that I love Rosie. I may not always agree with her but something about her makes me want to listen.

I was very disappointed when I heard that she would not be back on "The View". I understand why she wanted to go. I do not blame EH, although I do not enjoy her at all. I blame ABC. They split the screen, they did not go to commercial. They let EH and Rosie go at it because it was good for their ratings. I think that they wanted to get as much out of Rosie as possible before she was cut loose. I think that they wanted EH to bait Rosie into a fight. EH knows that when they argue the news media always spins it that Rosie is the bad guy. I would not be surprised if Rosie was the most misquoted person of 2007. I am sure that this has all been very tiring for Rosie. When it is a constant battle, who would want that?

I think that Rosie went on "The View", to give her View, which I guess makes her an oddity to the other people that were on there. She is not a yes person and she talks from her heart. For the first time ever "The View" was actually a show worth watching. NO more. We are just going back to the rest of the hosts patting each other on the back and agreeing all around on whatever fluff piece they are talking about that day.

I will miss my Rosie fix everyday. My guilty pleasure when the boys are napping. I am sad for her that it ended this way. I myself will not be watching "The View" anymore. I am not boycotting. I just do not want to see EH spew her venom unopposed. I can't listen to her daft blind following of the president and whatever FOX news put in her head. She obviously cares more about what those people think about her then someone who was suppose to be her friend. I hope that if I were put in the same position I would take the higher road and choose my friend but EH is young, hopefully she will learn.

I wish Rosie peace and happiness in what ever she chooses to do from here. I am sure that I will be waiting along with the rest of her fans to see just what that will be.


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